Monday, February 13, 2006

Be With You

Where do we go from here?
I’m not entirely sure
Do I know what I want?
I think so.
Do you?

Waves crashing on a distant shore
A seagull’s lonely cry
A crab scuttles across the sand
It leaves no marks

What would they tell us if they could talk?
What would we hear if we could listen?
What secrets of the ages lie
Just beyond the grasp of our understanding?

Do we even want to know?

Seaweed lies washed up on the shore
Remnants of a distant life
Beneath the waves
In an alien realm.

The wind blows fresh and salty,
Intoxicated with its own power.
It brushes against your skin, plays with your hair.
The sun is a mischievous one,
Playing peek-a-boo with the clouds.
Now you see it,
Now you don’t.

It is on days like this that I can feel a greater power
Not of religion
Something bigger than that,
And not so base
As to be born of Man’s craven need for absolution.
Something cosmic.

It is on days like this
That all I want is to be with you.
No thinking, no talking.
Quell the many voices inside my head
Babbling, asking, doubting,
Pulling me in different directions.

On days like this

All I want is to be.

Just to be.

With you.


Sangindiva said...

This was a beautiful poem. I really like the picture! Did you take it yourself? I just was blog surfing and came accross yours... what a treat :)

editorialninja said...

ooh! mushy dragon!!! :) *wonders if he wrote it himself*
poet or not, i still thk ur colour-changing clock SUCKS

pagala'k' said...

dragon i can see the shy in you

Naveen Seshadri said...

Im going to have to actually say that it was well written amidst all the criticism in person. No! But seriously, I think there is a certain surrealism that the poem gives rise to. My Favourite Line has got to be "As to be born of Man’s craven need for absolution" No Jokes :)

The Dragon said...

sangindiva: thank you.

editorialninja: I did write it myself. And you're just jealous of my colour-changing clock.

pagala 'k': poda dey

naveen: surrealism? what the hell does that mean??...and thanks.