Monday, October 16, 2006

Shall I tell you what you can do with your Horoscope?????

Had a really frustrating day today. Thought I'd get some stuff done at work...but just could not be asked. It is deadline's approaching...and I just can't be bothered. It does nothing for me, this work. Not learning much from it at all.

And then I log into Orkut and see this:

Today's fortune:You are going to have some new clothes

Oh good.

Okay. It's not like I log into Orkut everyday to find out what the day holds for me ( I haven't sunk to that level of sadness...yet!). But still....

This might be the proverbial Straw* that broke the Camel's* back. Or, in this case, the Dragon's*. You know what I mean. Whatever.

Sigh. Think I'll go sleep it off. Like I didn't do enough of that today!

* In case you're wondering- Yes, yes, the caps are intentional.
Oh, and in case you're wondering- go get a life! Or shoot yourself. Either or.

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