Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Nice seeing you again

The party was rocking. Music, the buzz of voices, the clink of glasses, laughter-some of it merry, some rather forced. I had noticed her across the room. Dressed in black as she was, it was hard not to. Even after all these years, she took my breath away. I walked over.

"Hey you", I said. "Nice party huh?"

She turned to look at me.

Flesh-eating, ,eye-gouging, skin-scratching, heart-bleeding, skull-crushing, life-blighting, soul-destroying darkness. Darkness drawing me deeper and deeper down a long well, a long spiraling descent into a place where all sense of self is lost- where all you ever were, all you wanted to be, and all you are is lost, sucked down into a miasma and maelstrom of never ending destruction, torment, suffering.

"Yeah, it's nice", she said. "You having a good time?"

"Oh, yeah", I replied, sipping my drink. "I usually do."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Miasma and Maelstrom? Dude! Im super impressed...Now can you please write more often on your blog? Since I cant seem to write on mine :)