Monday, September 25, 2006

O Brother, where art thou?

Just spoke to my younger brother- as opposed to the youngest brother- he's away on his first paid-for-entirely-by-self vacation in Colorado. Damn proud of him, I must say. He's been working hard the past few months in New York and sounded extremely relaxed when I spoke to him. Am glad. Of course, it could be the influence of alcohol, but he claims that that's not the case. Hmm. May be. God knows I do enough drinking for the whole family.

We fight like hell when we're together, but I miss him quite a bit. Like I said, bloody proud of what he's done and doing. No one deserves happiness more.

Feel free to check out his blog here.

And the youngest fella's blog here.

My brothers rock!

Hardly surprising, considering I'm their role model.